The mp3 radio downloads that use MPlayer.

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at
Wed Jul 17 15:21:55 EDT 2013

On 17/07/2013 19:39, bat guano wrote:
> Hi
> I don't have any problems with MPlayer but...
> Is it necessary for get_iplayer to use MPlayer instead of FFmpeg for muxing the mp3 downloads?
> Will FFmpeg not demux them properly, or will the demuxed files not play on some players?
> Or is there some other reason? 		 	   		

Older versions of ffmpeg either croak on the overlapping timestamps 
often encountered in the FLV file or spew a stream of scary-looking 
error messages when re-muxing.  Even though ffmpeg's mp3 muxer was 
eventually changed to deal with that situation, the libav fork didn't 
those changes, so all Debian derivatives were affected.  The ffmpeg 
patch was a bit over a year ago, and I haven't looked at it since then. 
  I know that libav created a new release branch since then, but I don't 
know if it received those changes.  If you have more recent information, 
chime in.  It would be nice to get rid of a dependency, but get_iplayer 
still uses mplayer for WMA downloads.  Until we can reliably offload 
those tasks to ffmpeg, we'll need to keep mplayer around.  Also, before 
making that change, we would need to establish a matrix of distros we 
intend to support and test the packaged ffmpeg for all of them.  I'm not 
sure what criteria would be appropriate for that.

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