File size anomaly with radio downloads

Budgie ajebay at
Thu Jul 11 04:43:48 EDT 2013

On 11/07/13 01:13, bat guano wrote:
> , I would
>> like to understand why the file for the first episode is so much
>> smaller.  How can I find this out.
> Probably because it is the low bitrate version (48Kbps).
> Check it out with MediaInfo program.
>> for future spoken word downloads to
>> keep file sizes down?
> Add "--mode=flashaaclow" to the command .
> (Though I've found that low bitrate versions are sometimes not available for *all* the radio shows)
> This is a sample command to try:-
> get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=b036jc3t --mode=flashaaclow 		 	   		
Thank you.  That was it.  Not through any action on my part so it must 
just have been availability issue.  At least I have learnt something!

Thanks for the help with bitrate options.  Because I want the higher 
quality for music and most downloads are done using pvr as a cron task, 
I assume it is possible to include the mode setting in the pvr setting 
for the particular series.  Will try and sort this out.

Thanks again to both dinkypumpkin and bat guano.

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