Thumbnails for Radio Programmes

Vangelis forthnet northmedia1 at
Sat Jul 6 23:04:56 EDT 2013

On Sat Jul 6 00:05:49 BST 2013, Budgie wrote:

>For most of the stuff I download, the programmes use the same thumbnail
>each week so it may not be a problem for the majority and I can live
>without them if it comes to the worst.  I have read some instructions on
>recovering artwork which I shall re-visit but how long would this be

 Hello :-)

 You haven't mentioned what filename you have set GiP to give to your
audio downloads (i.e. --file-prefix= ), but if you are using the default 
then the programme's pid should be somewhere inside the filename.
 This pid is unique for that episode and never changes - by going to

you can get most of the metadata for that episode. And by going to

(underscores after PID, i.e. PID_640_360.jpg) you can get your
missing thumbnail to disk.

Then you must use the appropriate tagging app for your OS, to tag manually 
tag-free audio file (which could either be in .m4a or mp3 format, depending 
on origin).

AtomicParsley should be fine for M4As, you can obtain help by typing

AtomicParsley.exe --help > Help.txt (I am on Windows)

Others may instruct you on what to use on openSUSE 12.2 to tag MP3 files...

Sadly, GiP can't be used to retrieve metadata for expired shows, as they no 
appear inside the radio cache... :-(

And I imagine it would be a Herculean task to retrieve metadata & tag 
3 months worth of radio downloads...


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