Default TV mode option

Roger Burton West roger at
Sun Jan 13 06:40:01 EST 2013

On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 08:04:00PM +0000, Jon Davies wrote:

>What if the "best" mode changes to be the best SD mode, (and in the
>radio world, I guess the best stream up to something between 128k and
>320k), and create a "besthd" mode which hopefully is self explanatory
>(and in the radio world also pulls 320kbps streams)?
>"best" or its equivalent can then be the default, and those who want
>HD can easily specify it?

There should always be something - I don't care what it's called or
whether it's the default - that tries for HD/320 and falls back to
non-HD if HD isn't available, so that those of us on uncapped
connections can still get the best available version with a single


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