PVR Cannot get add instruction right.

ajebay ajebay at errichel.co.uk
Fri Feb 8 18:33:35 EST 2013

Sorry to be dumb but I cannot get the pvr add instruction to work for 
"Afternoon on 3  Thursday Opera Matinee."  This is what I have in my 

  pvrsearch = Afternoon_on_3_-_Thursday_Opera_Matinee
         search0 = Afternoon 0n 3 - Thursday Opera Matinee:
         type = radio

Not sure where the colon after first Matinee went, or even if it is 
required, but what I wanted to do was get the programme each week. Of 
course the opera is different each week but I hoped the above line would 
match. Is it a wild card that is missing or my approach or syntax wrong?


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