HD to iPad

Graham Cobb g+get_iplayer at cobb.uk.net
Wed Jul 18 16:52:25 EDT 2012

On Wednesday 18 July 2012 20:28:46 Ann wrote:
> Does anyone know how to get HD content from get_iplayer into a format
> which an iPad3 will accept?  Currently HD downloads are accepted by
> iTunes (and playable with VLC etc) but then rejected on sync to the
> device, as being unplayable.

I can play unmodified get_iplayer files (including HD) accessed from a web 
page using oplayer (free version) and also using Filer (using Webdav).  
Apparently oplayer uses software decode but it seems to work fine. oplayer 
also apparently supports Windows fileshare access, but I haven't used that.  
You may also be able to get oplayer to work by copying files into oplayer's 
data store (using iTunes) and synchronising

For some reason I don't understand, I can also play the file directly from a  
web page using Safari, but my wife cannot on her iPad!  I suspect it is 
because I have some work apps installed, one of which probably registers a 
Quicktime player which works for the get_iplayer format.

I have not tried using iTunes video.  

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