Is it possible to switch of the automatic embedding of Images

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at
Wed Jul 18 06:39:30 EDT 2012

On 18/07/2012 10:29, tgilkes at wrote:
> In many cases this would be great and useful, but my media player does not
> handle properly, so would prefer sometimes to switch this off.
> So Question, Is it possible to switch of the automatic embedding of Images into
> a .mp4 file.

What media player are you using, and what do you mean by "does not 
handle properly"?  Is there a problem with playback of the files?  If 
it's just that the image is too small, try adding --thumbsize=6 to your 
get_iplayer command to get the largest thumbnail available.

You can switch off all metadata tagging (including embedded artwork) 
with --no-tag.  You'll need to make a minor edit to the get_iplayer 
script to disable just embedded artwork.  If you want to do that, reply 
here and I'll post the instructions.

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