Installing on SheevaPlug running Ubuntu Jaunty

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sun Aug 26 16:28:46 EDT 2012

On 26 August 2012 19:28, dinkypumpkin <dinkypumpkin at> wrote:
> On 26/08/2012 17:53, Colin Law wrote:
>> Now I am trying to get the web pvr going, I have not used that before
>> and can't actually find out how if I need to install something else,
>> and if so what.  I think I am looking for get_iplayer.cgi but it does
>> not seem to be installed.
> As you have probably discovered by now, the Debian/Ubuntu package should
> have installed a startup script at:
> /usr/bin/get_iplayer_web_pvr

No I hadn't actually, I was away doing other things, so thanks for
that.  I need to connect to it from other machines on the network so
in /etc/default/get_iplayer_web_pvr I changed LISTEN to, ran
get_iplayer_web_pvr and on another machine in browser went to the
Sheeva ip:1935 and up pops the interface.  Excellent.  I realise that
there are potential security issues but the Sheeva is not accessible
from the internet so it should be ok.

Is there some sort of tutorial or manual for using the web pvr?

Thanks again


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