Get info by pid

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at
Wed Apr 11 06:51:39 EDT 2012

On 11/04/2012 09:38, Charles Johnson wrote:
> On 07/04/12 14:40, dinkypumpkin wrote:
>> but you've omitted --type=radio from your command line. get_iplayer
>> only searches TV programmes by default.
> Thanks for that. That's surprising when a pid is supplied

In a search context, get_iplayer treats a PID the same as any other 
search term.  A PID is only special when combined with --pid.  The 
programme type takes precedence, presumably so get_iplayer doesn't have 
to search through both tv and radio cached indexes to find a PID.

> Thanks also for the tips. My get_iplayer version is indeed old. I will
> try to get the latest version working. Can you tell me what the best way
> to get hold of it is? Googling presents various options, most of which
> i'd guess are less than optimal.

Not sure what you mean by "less than optimal".  If you use Windows, just 
download the get_iplayer installer.  If you're on Linux, use your 
package management system.  If your Linux distro version is too old to 
have a package for v2.80, you may still be able to get an updated 
get_iplayer from a different package repository.  Reply to this thread 
with your distro version and somebody can probably help you.

Of course, you can always just download the get_iplayer tarball, unpack 
it, and go.  You'll have to install the dependencies yourself, though 
you must have at least some of them already installed.  It's possible 
there may be problems if you use v2.80 with very old versions of ffmpeg 
or rtmpdump.  You'll just have to try a few tv *and* radio downloads to 

Installer/tarball downloads:

In the less likely event you use a Mac, reply to this thread with your 
OSX version and I'll give you the lowdown on your options.

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