PVR switch syntax - help please

Andy Bircumshaw andy at networkned.co.uk
Sat Apr 7 08:41:54 EDT 2012

On 7 April 2012, at 11:13, Alastair wrote:

> Please could somebody point me to any info/instructions/examples on using PVR 
> command.

get_iplayer --longhelp | grep pvr

> For example if I wish to download "In Our Time" podcast each week how should I proceed?

Is this a podcast or a radio show?

`get_iplayer --type radio "In Our Time"` looks good to me.

Therefore I would use `get_iplayer --type radio "In Our Time" --pvradd "In_Our_Time"`

> Do I need to set up a cron job or can --pvr-scheduler do it all within get_iplayer.

I just add `get_iplayer --pvr` to my user crontab to run every morning at 2am. This will execute all PVR searches and download any new shows that match the search and any that have been individually queued up (using --pvr-queue).


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