Dud rows of pixels with ffmpeg-static

Neill Mitchell neill at nlkmitchell.com
Tue Oct 18 12:17:09 EDT 2011

>>  Did you find that the Ubuntu-supplied 0.7.2 didn't work?  If so, it
>>  would be useful to know what programme you tested with.  Since Ubuntu
>>  11.10 was just released, it would be good know of any problems it might
>>  bring.  Fedora 15, and now Ubuntu 11.10, provide ffmpeg packages that
>>  should work OK for most users, but it would helpful to know if that
>>  isn't the case in common usage.

I believe version 0.7.2. will suffer form the dud pixels problem as the patch only went into the 0.8

>>  I would guess you just need to add /usr/local/bin to your PATH
>>  environment variable.  Unless you removed it on purpose, that is.
>>  /usr/local/bin is in the default PATH on a clean install of Ubuntu
>>  11.10, but if you've done an in-place upgrade from 11.04 you will of
>>  course have your old settings.  FWIW, /usr/local is usually the better
>>  choice for DIY builds.  It minimises risk of breaking system packages,
>>  and it allows you to run DIY builds in parallel with repository
>>  versions, which might be useful in in this particular situation.

Yes, I upgraded from 11.04. Ovbiously the upgrade didn't update the paths. The old /usr/bin vs /usr/local/bin controversy
  has been going on for years ;)
Not the worse thing that got broken though. 11.10 has moved /var/run to /run and /var/lock to /run/lock.
It didn't perform the necessary mv's during the upgrade process. This leaves you with a completely broken system.
Goodness knows how 11.10 went out in that state.

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