Version naming suggestion

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at
Mon Oct 10 21:00:31 EDT 2011

On 09/10/2011 17:13, bat guano wrote:
> Some programs (such as FFmpeg-git) show the 'commit'.

The version string with commit ID is inserted into FFmpeg when it is 
compiled.  The process relies on having access to a clone of the git 
repo in order to retrieve the commit history.  Look at in the 
FFmpeg source to see how they do it.  There are other packages that do 
something similar.

Obviously, get_iplayer doesn't fit that model. There is no build process 
for an average user, and no reason for an average user to have access to 
the Git repo's commit history.  Inserting a version string into the 
script would have to be done at the server as part of preparing the file 
for download, which is as close to a build step as we get.  See my 
response to JasonW.

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