file format of radio files

Andy Stevens insomniacpenguin at
Sat May 7 19:42:24 EDT 2011


A short while ago, I noticed that the radio programmes I was trying to
download with get_iplayer 2.79 had stopped working.  From comments on
forums etc. this appeared to be due to the BBC not using mp3 streams
any more, so I added flashaac to my --modes list and they started
downloading again, albeit as .aac files instead.

A couple of weeks ago, programmes that I could find through searches
on the online iPlayer weren't being found by get_iplayer.  This
coincided with the rebranding of Radio 7 as 4 Extra; I noticed the
checkin comment in git "Add Radio 4 Extra" so tried using the current
git version instead, but I found that instead of an .aac file I ended
up with a .m4a. Presumably due to the subsequent "Output AAC as M4A
for iTunes with metadata tags" change.

Then I spotted the new "Add --aactomp3 option to force transcoding AAC
to MP3" - seeing as my Sansa Fuze doesn't play aac files anyway, just
mp3s, this seemed like just what I needed.  However, it's not creating
MP3s, the output files have .partial.mp3.flv extensions, and according
to the "file" command are "Macromedia Flash Video" type.  There is a
message being output
Unknown encoder 'libmp3lame'
INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
WARNING: flv conversion failed - retaining flv file
however I do have lame installed and /usr/lib/ is present...

Is this a bug in the latest git version of get_iplayer, or am I
missing something that it needs?
Also, if anyone can suggest how to convert the other aac files I'd
downloaded into MP3s, it'd be appreciated...



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