[PATCH] Output AAC as M4A for iTunes with metadata tags If the downloaded file is from a flashaac mode then a second pass of

Shevek shevek at shevek.co.uk
Thu Mar 24 21:30:18 EDT 2011

ffmpeg removes the ADTS header and remuxes to M4A container
 Two passes are required as direct FLV to M4A results in a broken M4A
which will not play and reports incorrect duration. FLV -> AAC -> M4A
 AtomicParsley is then used to correctly tag the M4A file

Signed-off-by: Shevek <shevek at shevek.co.uk>
 get_iplayer |   99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/get_iplayer b/get_iplayer
index e13d3ea..8f89e21 100755
--- a/get_iplayer
+++ b/get_iplayer
@@ -4247,7 +4247,7 @@ sub tag_file {
 	# Return if file does not exist
 	return if ! -f $prog->{filename};

-	if ( $prog->{filename} =~ /\.(aac|mp3|m4a)$/i ) {
+	if ( $prog->{filename} =~ /\.(aac|mp3)$/i ) {
 		# Create ID3 tagging options for external tagger program (escape " for shell)
 		my ( $id3_name, $id3_episode, $id3_desc, $id3_channel ) = (
$prog->{name}, $prog->{episode}, $prog->{desc}, $prog->{channel} );
 		s|"|\\"|g for ($id3_name, $id3_episode, $id3_desc, $id3_channel);
@@ -4271,7 +4271,7 @@ sub tag_file {
 			main::logger "WARNING: Cannot tag $prog->{ext} file\n" if $opt->{verbose};

-	} elsif ( $prog->{filename} =~ /\.(mp4|m4v)$/i ) {
+	} elsif ( $prog->{filename} =~ /\.(mp4|m4v|m4a)$/i ) {
 		# Create mp4 tagging options for external tagging program.
 		my $tags;
 		for my $tag ( keys %{$prog} ) {
@@ -4318,29 +4318,53 @@ sub tag_file {
 			$title =~ s/[\s\-]*$//g;

 			# Build the command
-			my @cmd = (
-				$bin->{atomicparsley}, $prog->{filename},
-				'--TVNetwork',	$tags->{channel},
-				'--description',$tags->{descshort},
-				'--comment',	$tags->{descshort},
-				'--title',	$title,
-				'--TVShowName',	$tags->{longname},
-				'--TVEpisode',	$tags->{pid},
-				'--artist',	$tags->{name},
-				'--year',	$tags->{firstbcast},
-				'--advisory',	$tags->{guidance},
-				'--genre',	$tags->{categories},
-				'--stik',	$stik,
-				'--overWrite',	# Saves temp files being left around.
-			);
+			my @cmd;
+			if ( $prog->{filename} =~ /\.(mp4|m4v)$/i ) {
+				@cmd = (
+					$bin->{atomicparsley}, $prog->{filename},
+					'--TVNetwork',	$tags->{channel},
+					'--description',$tags->{descshort},
+					'--comment',	$tags->{descshort},
+					'--title',	$title,
+					'--TVShowName',	$tags->{longname},
+					'--TVEpisode',	$tags->{pid},
+					'--artist',	$tags->{name},
+					'--year',	$tags->{firstbcast},
+					'--advisory',	$tags->{guidance},
+					'--genre',	$tags->{categories},
+					'--stik',	$stik,
+					'--overWrite',	# Saves temp files being left around.
+				);
+				# Add the series and episode numbers if they are defined
+				push @cmd, "--TVSeasonNum", $prog->{seriesnum} if $prog->{seriesnum};
+				push @cmd, "--TVEpisodeNum", $prog->{episodenum} if $prog->{episodenum};
+			} elsif ( $prog->{filename} =~ /\.(m4a)$/i ) {
+				@cmd = (
+					$bin->{atomicparsley}, $prog->{filename},
+					'--description',$tags->{descshort},
+					'--comment',	$tags->{descshort},
+					'--title',	$tags->{title},
+					'--TVShowName',	$tags->{longname},
+					'--TVEpisode',	$tags->{pid},
+					'--artist',	$tags->{channel},
+					'--albumArtist',	$tags->{channel},
+					'--album',	$tags->{longname},
+					'--year',	$tags->{firstbcast},
+					'--advisory',	$tags->{guidance},
+					'--genre',	$tags->{categories},
+					'--overWrite',	# Saves temp files being left around.
+				);
+				# Add the series and episode numbers if they are defined as disk
/ track numbers
+				push @cmd, "--disk", $prog->{seriesnum} if $prog->{seriesnum};
+				push @cmd, "--tracknum", $prog->{episodenum} if $prog->{episodenum};
+			}

 			# Add the thumbnail if one was downloaded
 			push @cmd, "--artwork", $prog->{thumbfile} if -f $prog->{thumbfile};

-			# Add the series and episode numbers if they are defined
-			push @cmd, "--TVSeasonNum", $prog->{seriesnum} if $prog->{seriesnum};
-			push @cmd, "--TVEpisodeNum", $prog->{episodenum} if $prog->{episodenum};
 			# time of recording - this messes up iTunes somewhat
 			#push @cmd, "--purchaseDate", "$prog->{dldate}T$prog->{dltime}Z"
if $prog->{dldate} && $prog->{dltime};

@@ -8144,6 +8168,39 @@ sub get {
 	my $return = main::run_cmd( 'STDERR', @cmd );
 	if ( (! $return) && -f $prog->{filepart} &&
stat($prog->{filepart})->size > $prog->min_download_size() ) {
 			unlink( $file_tmp );
+			# If we have an aac file use ffmpeg to pack in m4a container and
remove adts headers
+			# Have to do a second ffmpeg call because remuxing flv to m4a with
-absf aac_adtstoasc gives corrupt m4a
+			# flv -> aac -> m4a works
+			if ( $mode =~ /flashaac/ ) {
+				$prog->{itunesfilename} = "$prog->{dir}/$prog->{fileprefix}.m4a";
+				$prog->{itunesfilepart} = "$prog->{dir}/$prog->{fileprefix}.partial.m4a";
+				@cmd = (
+					$bin->{ffmpeg},
+					'-i', $prog->{filepart},
+					'-vn',
+					'-acodec', 'copy',
+					'-absf', 'aac_adtstoasc',
+					'-y', $prog->{itunesfilepart},
+				);
+				# Run aac to m4a conversion and delete aac file on success
+				# set paths to itunes paths
+				my $return = main::run_cmd( 'STDERR', @cmd );
+				if ( (! $return) && -f $prog->{itunesfilepart} ) {
+					unlink( $prog->{filepart} );
+					$prog->{filepart} = $prog->{itunesfilepart};
+					$prog->{filename} = $prog->{itunesfilename};
+				# If the ffmpeg conversion failed, remove the failed-converted m4a file
+				# original flv -> aac conversion was a success so filepart /
filename left alone
+				} else {
+					main::logger "WARNING: aac to m4a conversion failed - retaining
aac file\n";
+					unlink $prog->{itunesfilepart};
+				}
+			}

 	# If the ffmpeg conversion failed, remove the failed-converted file
attempt - move the file as done anyway
 	} else {

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