Fast(er) transcoding from aac to mp3.

bat guano batguano999 at
Fri Mar 18 11:50:38 EDT 2011


> A test I did of
> time (ffmpeg -i You_and_Yours_-_16_03_2011_b00zf33w_default.aac -ab
> 128k test.wav; lame test.wav test.mp3)
> finished in 4:35 - this is on a core duo at 1.8GHz.
> So, 12* or so real-time.

@ Ian
Surely you're performing two processes there?
First converting aac to wav...
then converting wav to mp3.

Would it not be better to use a pipe?

Like this:-
time ffmpeg -i filename.aac -f wav - | lame -b 128 - test3.mp3

Or this:-
time ffmpeg -i filename.aac -f wav - | lame -v - test4.mp3

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