Automatic conversion of aac to m4a

Nick Ludlam nick at
Sun Mar 13 19:47:03 EDT 2011

Hi all,
I've done some work this evening on adding an experimental flag to get_iplayer which will automatically remux aac audio into an m4a using MP4Box. In my simple tests, this is working reasonably well, and ultimately I feel it should be part of the core workflow of get_iplayer. This is because I import my music into iTunes, and raw aac files will not work.

I've not yet figured out where the functionality should ultimately sit, so I've added the additional flag "--m4a" to trigger the new code, and the flag "--mp4box" to allow you to point to the MP4Box binary, should it not be in your $PATH. This will only work if you've requested an aac audio mode. The following is a example command I've just successfully run:

$ ./get_iplayer -v --force --m4a --mp4box=/usr/local/bin/MP4Box --type radio --modes flashaac -g 12345

If anybody feels like testing it, I've put up a fork on my github account,


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