Flashaudio no longer available for Radio 4?

Shevek shevek at shevek.co.uk
Fri Mar 11 13:49:59 EST 2011

I haven't tested directly on my iPod (4G Photo) or iPhone (3GS) but
the .aac downloaded by get_iplayer won't even import into iTunes

I tried using ffmpeg to transcode into an m4a container but this still
didn't work

I checked the files in MediaInfo and it reports AAC ADTS. I did some
searching [1] and it appears this is the culprit.

I transcoded again using ffmpeg and the -absf aac_adtstoasc option and
now the files will at least load into iTunes

When I get a chance to sync either device I'll confirm if they play or not.

Here's the line from my batch file:

for %%F in (*.aac) do "P:\Program Files (x86)\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe"
-i "%%F" -vn -acodec copy -absf aac_adtstoasc "%%~nF.m4a"

The actual command line used is

"P:\Program Files (x86)\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -i file.aac -vn -acodec
copy -absf aac_adtstoasc file.m4a



[1] http://roundup.ffmpeg.org/issue1287

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