re Subject: Solution for windows users

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at
Sun Jan 9 10:04:35 EST 2011

On Sun, 2011-01-09 at 11:58 +0000, David Woodhouse wrote:
> Just make rtmpdump do the fetch every time, using If-Modified-Since:
> so
> that it doesn't *actually* refetch the file if it hasn't changed.

Um, I just went to implement this, and found that it already *works*.

Here's my .swfinfo file...

ctim: Sun, 09 Jan 2011 14:57:37 GMT
date: Mon, 05 Jul 2010 14:58:49 GMT
size: 000f9c9b
hash: 756ef5b1b33f59e88680ba06bcbc967e34468c82119df9e3789965513e7e57f5

If I corrupt the hash value, things break. If I then change the date:
line to be earlier, it gets refetched.

So I'm not exactly sure what's going on. The only thing I can imagine is
if the *new* SWF is actually given an older timestamp than the older
one? Can I see a .swfinfo file from someone who's *currently* seeing
this problem, and a packet capture of all traffic to port


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