File(s) or method(s) used in matching to find new items ?

Andy Bircumshaw andy at
Thu Jan 6 17:45:59 EST 2011

On 5/1/2011, at 8:18pm, Joe Jones wrote:
> ...
> My internet connection has sometimes failed (for an hour) in the
> middle of get_iplayer bringing me the list of items added. This has
> happened with both TV and Radio and can be quite inconvenient as, when
> the connection comes back up and I rerun get_iplayer, the list(s) I
> get have no new items and I have to plough through the entire list to
> find the added files I want to download.

I'm not quite sure I'm understanding the problem, but if I am, I advise using something like `get_iplayer --since 24` to show all programmes added to get_iplayer's index within the last 24 hours.

This can be combined with other criteria; `get_iplayer --since 72 "eastenders"` shows all episodes of the soap added in the last 3 days. 

Even better - combine this with a preset (search for "last24" in get_iplayer's documentation [1]) - and have the list of new shows emailed to you with thumbnails and descriptions:

  get_iplayer -z last24 --email joe at your_address --email-smtp smtp.server.address

If you are satisfied with this then add it as a daily scheduled job. Use a cron job on Linux. Schedule `get_iplayer --refresh` for 4 or more times per day so that, when searching, you never have to wait for it to update its cache.



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