Transcoding video for Topfield boxes

Roger Burton West roger at
Wed Jan 5 05:02:12 EST 2011

On Wed, Jan 05, 2011 at 09:55:08AM +0000, Robin Bowes wrote:

>I was thinking, would it be possible to have get_iplayer do the
>transcoding? Does it current support that sort of thing? If not, I can
>look into a patch.

Given recent discussion here, I think you'd be much better off using
get_iplayer as a downloader and then throwing the results at mencoder,
avisynth, or another converter of your choice, to pull them into the
format you need. Video transcoding (which you'll have to do, as the
codecs used by the BBC aren't likely to be suitable for your DTRs) is a
fiddly and complex business.

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