atomicparsley tagging issue

grz88 at grz88 at
Wed Feb 9 17:55:26 EST 2011

I use atomicparsley to have my downloads tagged, which works great.

However, I wonder why does get_iplayer use the short description (descshort) field, rather that the long description (desc) for both the "description" and "comment" tag. Wouldn't it make more sense to tag the file using the full programme description? Maybe there is good reason why things are the way they are. If not, then I suggest changing the invocation of atomicparsley to use the "desc" field for the "description" tag (and keep shortdesc for the comment). Below is a patch that does this.


--- a/get_iplayer	2011-02-04 21:09:33.000000000 +0100
+++ b/get_iplayer	2011-02-09 18:10:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -4321,7 +4321,7 @@
 			my @cmd = (
 				$bin->{atomicparsley}, $prog->{filename},
 				'--TVNetwork',	$tags->{channel},
-				'--description',$tags->{descshort},
+				'--description',$tags->{desc},
 				'--comment',	$tags->{descshort},
 				'--title',	$title,
 				'--TVShowName',	$tags->{longname},

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