every stream stopping after 20-40 sec

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 13:40:24 EDT 2011

On 08/04/2011 17:12, Michael wrote:
> Yes, you are right!
> I'm using a UK-proxy to access.
> The proxy is not the issue, I'm very certain

I think it will be difficult to diagnose for anyone without your 
particular media player machine and UK proxy setup.  It's worth noting 
that mplayer is not used in streaming flash video from get_iplayer, so I 
don't think that is the problem, as you suggested in your original message.

It's not completely clear from your post exactly what is failing.  Are 
you trying to download a programme via the web PVR manager from a 
browser on the media player machine, or are you trying to download a 
programme from the command line?  The log file you sent suggests the 
former, but if it's the latter, it might help to see the exact 
get_iplayer command line you are using.

Since the log file you sent looks like it was generated via the web PVR 
manager, a first step might be to try to replicate the problem with 
get_iplayer from the command line on the media player.  Take the entries 
in the "Current options:" section of the log output and turn them into 
command line parameters: "nopurge 1" -> --nopurge, etc.  And you can 
also copy the full rtmpdump command from the log file and run it in 
isolation (redirected to a file or piped to mplayer) to see if you get 
different results.

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