[PATCH] Output AAC as M4A for iTunes with metadata tags

richard richard at richsim900.plus.com
Fri Apr 1 13:02:28 EDT 2011

On 1 Apr 2011 14:40:10 Jon Davies wrote:

> I would be interested to know if an ffmpeg-generated m4a with all
> (well, most of) the metadata stripped out works or not, it might help
> narrow down what's breaking things - try AtomicParsley file.m4a
> --metaEnema

I'm no coder. 

Using bat guano's command from here:

ffmpeg -i "Bells_on_Sunday_-_27_03_2011_b00zq9t8_default.flv" -acodec
copy -f adts - | ffmpeg -i - -acodec copy -absf aac_adtstoasc
Bells-on-Sunday.m4a  && AtomicParsley Bells-on-Sunday.m4a --artist "BBC
Radio 4" --title "Bells on Sunday" --overWrite

@ Jon
Can you give me the command you want me to test?

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