HD content still unavailable

Kris LeC jinkuv at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 22:16:07 EDT 2010

> Your .swfinfo file

Mine contains this:

url: http://www.bbc.co.uk/emp/10player.swf
ctim: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 20:00:18 GMT
date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 18:16:43 GMT
size: 000f926d
hash: c4e8996c5f691a323a3623ed079c726798eb249c95d67a6ff67329d16cb1bc2a

> You need to find where it's storing this out-of-date information

I'm indexing my C drive in an attempt to aid finding the file(s), and
have looked in Documents and AppData as Andy suggested, but haven't
found anything yet. I'll keep looking in other probable locations!

Not that I'd necessarily understand why, but I had wondered why this
issue only arises with HD content and not other files, which are fine.

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