HD content still unavailable

Andy Bircumshaw andy at networkned.co.uk
Mon Nov 1 13:59:28 EDT 2010

On 1/11/2010, at 9:18am, Dan Ashby wrote:
>> That's why my PVR
>> options / present don't download a show until it's been available at
>> least 24 hours.
> Would you mind telling me how you set that option?


get_iplayer is called with "--before 24" by the cronjob that initiates the pvr downloads.

Instead of running `get_iplayer --pvr` one runs `get_iplayer --pvr --before 24` instead

So crontab says:

0 2 * * *	/usr/local/bin/get_iplayer --pvr --before 24 


If you're using the scheduler as described at [1], then you need to change the line which says `get_iplayer.pl --pvr` to `get_iplayer.pl --pvr --before 24`. In XP, that's in the Run box itself, in Vista (7?) that's done by editing the .bat file in Notepad.

If you're using an entry in the Start menu, put there by the installer, to "Run PVR Scheduler Now", then you're going to have to give me  little more information if you can't figure it out yourself. I'm guessing that's just a .bat file and you can edit it with Notepad - do something like right-click on the Start Menu shortcut and click "properties", then "find target"; then right-click on the target file - is there an "edit" option? if you chose properties when you click on it, what file type is listed?


[1] http://www.beebotron.org/helper_get_iplayer_help.php

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