Still problems with live streams

Torbjörn Hedström torbjorn.hedstrom at
Fri Jul 9 06:32:33 EDT 2010


I'm still having problems watching live streams even after David's last
patch (Fix live TV streaming).

Downloading a normal show works without problems while a live recording
ends with: 

ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound
INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)

Any ideas why?


get-iplayer --type=livetv --get "BBC One" --livetvmode=flashhigh --debug

DEBUG: Parsing options from /var/lib/get_iplayer/options:
DEBUG: Loaded option packagemanager (packagemanager) = apt
DEBUG: Loaded option packagemanager (packagemanager) = apt
DEBUG: Loaded option packagemanager (packagemanager) = apt
DEBUG: Loaded option packagemanager (packagemanager) = apt
DEBUG: Loaded option packagemanager (packagemanager) = apt
DEBUG: Loaded option packagemanager (packagemanager) = apt
DEBUG: Parsing options from /etc/get_iplayer/options:
DEBUG: Loaded option packagemanager (packagemanager) = apt
DEBUG: Loaded option packagemanager (packagemanager) = apt
DEBUG: Loaded option packagemanager (packagemanager) = apt
DEBUG: Loaded option packagemanager (packagemanager) = apt
DEBUG: Loaded option packagemanager (packagemanager) = apt
DEBUG: Loaded option packagemanager (packagemanager) = apt
DEBUG: Parsing options from /home/xbmc/.get_iplayer/options:
DEBUG: Loaded option nopurge (nopurge) = 1
DEBUG: Loaded option packagemanager (packagemanager) = apt
DEBUG: Parsing options from ./.get_iplayer/options:
DEBUG: Loaded option nopurge (nopurge) = 1
DEBUG: Loaded option packagemanager (packagemanager) = apt
get_iplayer v2.78, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
  conditions; use --conditions for details.

INFO: User prefs dir: /home/xbmc/.get_iplayer
INFO: System options dir: /etc/get_iplayer/options
Current options:
	livetvmode = flashhigh
	nopurge = 1
	packagemanager = apt
	type = livetv
	verbose = 1

INFO: Search args: 'BBC One'
DEBUG: arg 'BBC One' is not a programme index number - load specified
INFO: Cache format from existing livetv cache file:
INFO: Got 8 file cache entries for livetv
DEBUG: Cache expiry time for livetv is 14400 secs - refresh in 3426 secs
INFO: Search term 'BBC One' is a substring
DEBUG: Search download_regex = BBC One
DEBUG: Search channel_regex = .*
DEBUG: Search category_regex = .*
DEBUG: Search versions_regex = .*
DEBUG: Search exclude_regex = ^ROGUE$
DEBUG: Search channel_exclude_regex = ^ROGUE$
DEBUG: Search category_exclude_regex = ^ROGUE$
DEBUG: Search since = 999999
DEBUG: Search before = -999999
DEBUG: Using desktop user-agent string: 'Mozilla/6.0 (Windows; U;
Windows NT 7.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.9 (.NET
CLR 3.5.30812)'
DEBUG: Using NoCookies user-agent 'Mozilla/6.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT
7.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.9 (.NET CLR
80002:	BBC One - live

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
DEBUG: Using desktop user-agent string: 'Mozilla/6.0 (Windows; U;
Windows NT 7.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.9 (.NET
CLR 3.5.30812)'
DEBUG: Using cookies.desktop user-agent 'Mozilla/6.0 (Windows; U;
Windows NT 7.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.9 (.NET
CLR 3.5.30812)'
DEBUG: Getting Metadata for bbc_one:
INFO: Getting page

INFO: iPlayer metadata URL =
INFO: Getting page
DEBUG: No Encoding used on
DEBUG: Block: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <playlist
xmlns="" revision="1">   <config>
<plugin name="iPlayerLiveStats"/>     <plugin name="spacesReporting"/>
</config>    <id>,2008:iplayer:bbc_one_london:playlist</id>
<link rel="self"
href="" />   <link
rel="alternate" href="" />
<link rel="holding"
width="640" height="360" type="image/jpeg" />   <title>BBC One
London</title>   <summary />
DEBUG: Block: programme
DEBUG: Block:  live="true" identifier="bbc_one_london"
group="bbc_one_london" simulcast="true">
<id>,2008:pips:bbc_one_london</id>     <service
id="bbc_one_london" href="">BBC One
London</service>     <masterbrand id="bbc_one"
href="">BBC One</masterbrand>
<mediator identifier="bbc_one_london_live" name="pips"/>   </item>
INFO: Using Live TV:
INFO: Version: default, VersionPid:, Duration: 
DEBUG: Using desktop user-agent string: 'Mozilla/6.0 (Windows; U;
Windows NT 7.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.9 (.NET
CLR 3.5.30812)'
DEBUG: Using cookies.desktop user-agent 'Mozilla/6.0 (Windows; U;
Windows NT 7.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.9 (.NET
CLR 3.5.30812)'
INFO: Getting page
DEBUG: No Encoding used on

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- bbc_one_london.html r13490 -->
<playlist xmlns="" revision="1">
    <plugin name="iPlayerLiveStats"/>
    <plugin name="spacesReporting"/>
    <link rel="alternate" href=""/>
    <title>BBC One</title>
    <link rel="holding"
width="640" height="360" type="image/jpeg"/>
    <item kind="programme" live="true" simulcast="true"
identifier="bbc_one_london" group="bbc_one_london">
      <service id="bbc_one_london"
href="">BBC One London</service>
      <masterbrand id="bbc_one"
href="">BBC One</masterbrand>
	  <mediator identifier="bbc_one_live_rtmp" name="pips"/>

new verpid
Getting page
DEBUG: No Encoding used on
	width => 640
	kind => video
	bitrate => 480
	connections => ARRAY(0x8a44960)
	type => video/mp4
	service => iplayer_streaming_h264_flv_lo_live
	height => 360
	expires => 2038-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
	encoding => h264
		protocol => rtmp
		priority => 20
		kind => limelight
		identifier => s_bbc1_inlet_480
		supplier => limelight
		application => bbcmedia
		server =>
		authString =>
		authExpires => 2010-07-09T14:01:06+00:00
		protocol => rtmp
		priority => 30
		kind => akamai
		identifier => bbc1_inlet_480 at s24324
		supplier => akamai
		application => live
		server =>
		authString =>
auth=daEdLdzc3ctbkaFcHbeaQaQaOb9aVd8aWdY-bmnVD7-dHa-IqqFFpFoFBoGqxG&amp;aifp=v001&amp;slist=bbc1_inlet_480 at s24324;bbc1_inlet_1500 at s24324;bbc1_inlet_800 at s24324
		authExpires => 2010-07-09T14:07:15+00:00
	width => 832
	kind => video
	bitrate => 1500
	connections => ARRAY(0x8a4ad98)
	type => video/mp4
	service => iplayer_streaming_h264_flv_high_live
	height => 468
	expires => 2038-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
	encoding => h264
		protocol => rtmp
		priority => 20
		kind => limelight
		identifier => s_bbc1_inlet_1500
		supplier => limelight
		application => bbcmedia
		server =>
		authString =>
		authExpires => 2010-07-09T13:27:49+00:00
		protocol => rtmp
		priority => 30
		kind => akamai
		identifier => bbc1_inlet_1500 at s24324
		supplier => akamai
		application => live
		server =>
		authString =>
auth=daEdLdzc3ctbkaFcHbeaQaQaOb9aVd8aWdY-bmnVD7-dHa-IqqFFpFoFBoGqxG&amp;aifp=v001&amp;slist=bbc1_inlet_480 at s24324;bbc1_inlet_1500 at s24324;bbc1_inlet_800 at s24324
		authExpires => 2010-07-09T13:38:21+00:00
	width => 640
	kind => video
	bitrate => 796
	connections => ARRAY(0x8a4b168)
	type => video/mp4
	service => iplayer_streaming_h264_flv_live
	height => 360
	expires => 2038-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
	encoding => h264
		protocol => rtmp
		priority => 20
		kind => limelight
		identifier => s_bbc1_inlet_800
		supplier => limelight
		application => bbcmedia
		server =>
		authString =>
		authExpires => 2010-07-09T14:00:51+00:00
		protocol => rtmp
		priority => 30
		kind => akamai
		identifier => bbc1_inlet_800 at s24324
		supplier => akamai
		application => live
		server =>
		authString =>
auth=daEdLdzc3ctbkaFcHbeaQaQaOb9aVd8aWdY-bmnVD7-dHa-IqqFFpFoFBoGqxG&amp;aifp=v001&amp;slist=bbc1_inlet_480 at s24324;bbc1_inlet_1500 at s24324;bbc1_inlet_800 at s24324
		authExpires => 2010-07-09T13:53:59+00:00
DEBUG: Mode flashstd1 = priority 30
DEBUG: Mode flashstd2 = priority 20
DEBUG: Mode flashvhigh1 = priority 30
DEBUG: Mode flashvhigh2 = priority 20
DEBUG: Using desktop user-agent string: 'Mozilla/6.0 (Windows; U;
Windows NT 7.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.9 (.NET
CLR 3.5.30812)'
DEBUG: Using cookies.desktop user-agent 'Mozilla/6.0 (Windows; U;
Windows NT 7.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.9 (.NET
CLR 3.5.30812)'
INFO: Getting page
DEBUG: No Encoding used on

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><mediaSelection
xmlns=""><!--This code and data
form part of the BBC iPlayer content protection system. Tampering with,
removal of, misuse of, or unauthorised use of this code or data
constitutes circumvention of the BBC's content protection measures and
may result in legal action. BBC (C) 2010.--><media bitrate="796"
encoding="h264" expires="2038-01-01T00:00:00+00:00" height="360"
kind="video" service="iplayer_streaming_h264_flv_live" type="video/mp4"
width="640"><connection application="bbcmedia"
authString="as=adobe-hmac-sha256&amp;av=1&amp;te=connect&amp;mp=s_bbc1_inlet_800&amp;et=1278685116&amp;fmta-token=a7a78796c3280f1fa313af3e6ba76354cdb5e92c386f33ca21d824d0b5b765f1" identifier="s_bbc1_inlet_800" kind="limelight" priority="20" protocol="rtmp" server="" supplier="limelight"/></media></mediaSelection>
	width => 640
	kind => video
	bitrate => 796
	connections => ARRAY(0x8a57550)
	type => video/mp4
	service => iplayer_streaming_h264_flv_live
	height => 360
	expires => 2038-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
	encoding => h264
		protocol => rtmp
		priority => 20
		kind => limelight
		identifier => s_bbc1_inlet_800
		supplier => limelight
		application => bbcmedia
		server =>
		authString =>
		authExpires => 2010-07-09T14:10:25+00:00
DEBUG: Using desktop user-agent string: 'Mozilla/6.0 (Windows; U;
Windows NT 7.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.9 (.NET
CLR 3.5.30812)'
DEBUG: Using cookies.desktop user-agent 'Mozilla/6.0 (Windows; U;
Windows NT 7.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.9 (.NET
CLR 3.5.30812)'
INFO: Getting page
DEBUG: No Encoding used on

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><mediaSelection
xmlns=""><!--This code and data
form part of the BBC iPlayer content protection system. Tampering with,
removal of, misuse of, or unauthorised use of this code or data
constitutes circumvention of the BBC's content protection measures and
may result in legal action. BBC (C) 2010.--><media bitrate="796"
encoding="h264" expires="2038-01-01T00:00:00+00:00" height="360"
kind="video" service="iplayer_streaming_h264_flv_live" type="video/mp4"
width="640"><connection application="live"
authString="auth=daEaWcybRcodobXd2d6cWcuaEb3bJbyd0dW-bmnVD8-dHa-JppEDpAqJCwHrzK&amp;aifp=v001&amp;slist=bbc1_inlet_800 at s24324" identifier="bbc1_inlet_800 at s24324" kind="akamai" priority="30" protocol="rtmp" server="" supplier="akamai"/></media></mediaSelection>
	width => 640
	kind => video
	bitrate => 796
	connections => ARRAY(0x8a57820)
	type => video/mp4
	service => iplayer_streaming_h264_flv_live
	height => 360
	expires => 2038-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
	encoding => h264
		protocol => rtmp
		priority => 30
		kind => akamai
		identifier => bbc1_inlet_800 at s24324
		supplier => akamai
		application => live
		server =>
		authString =>
auth=daEaWcybRcodobXd2d6cWcuaEb3bJbyd0dW-bmnVD8-dHa-JppEDpAqJCwHrzK&amp;aifp=v001&amp;slist=bbc1_inlet_800 at s24324
		authExpires => 2010-07-09T13:29:31+00:00
DEBUG: Mode flashhigh1 = priority 30
DEBUG: Mode flashhigh2 = priority 20
INFO: Found mode flashhigh1: (iplayer_streaming_h264_flv_live) rtmp h264
640x360 796kbps stream (CDN: akamai/30)
INFO: Found mode flashhigh2: (iplayer_streaming_h264_flv_live) rtmp h264
640x360 796kbps stream (CDN: limelight/20)
INFO: Found mode flashstd1: (iplayer_streaming_h264_flv_lo_live) rtmp
h264 640x360 480kbps stream (CDN: akamai/30)
INFO: Found mode flashstd2: (iplayer_streaming_h264_flv_lo_live) rtmp
h264 640x360 480kbps stream (CDN: limelight/20)
INFO: Found mode flashvhigh1: (iplayer_streaming_h264_flv_high_live)
rtmp h264 832x468 1500kbps stream (CDN: akamai/30)
INFO: Found mode flashvhigh2: (iplayer_streaming_h264_flv_high_live)
rtmp h264 832x468 1500kbps stream (CDN: limelight/20)
INFO: Getting page

INFO: Will search for versions: default
INFO: Mode list: flashhigh
DEBUG: Trying version 'default'
INFO: Checking existence of default version
INFO: Version = default
INFO: flashhigh1,flashhigh2 modes will be tried for version default
INFO: Trying flashhigh1 mode to record livetv: BBC One - live
INFO: Attempt number: 1 / 1
DEBUG: Substituted '<name> <episode> <dldate> <dltime>' as DEBUG:
Substitute (default): 'mode' => 'flashhigh1'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'modes' =>
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'longname' => 'BBC One London'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'pid' => 'bbc_one'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'desc' => 'Live stream of BBC One'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'nameshort' => 'BBC One'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'streams' => 'unprintable'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'durations' => ''
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'episode' => 'live'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'ext' => 'mp4'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'episodeshort' => 'live'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'expiry' => ''
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'modeshort' => 'flashhigh'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'verpids' =>
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'name' => 'BBC One'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'duration' => ''
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'title' => 'BBC One London'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'type' => 'livetv'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'guidance' => ''
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'dldate' => '2010-07-09'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'channel' => 'BBC One'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'modesizes' => ''
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'dir' => '/home/xbmc'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'descmedium' => ''
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'versions' => 'default'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'web' =>
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'fileprefix' => '<name> <episode> <dldate>
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'seriesnum' => ''
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'available' => ''
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'thumbnail' =>
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'episodenum' => ''
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'dltime' => '12:18:35'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'version' => 'default'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'categories' => ''
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'descshort' => 'Live stream of BBC One'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'player' => ''
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'timeadded' => '1273912917'
DEBUG: Substitute (default): 'index' => '80002'

INFO: File name prefix =
DEBUG: File prefix:        BBC_One_live_2010-07-09_121835
DEBUG: File ext:           mp4
DEBUG: Directory:          /home/xbmc
DEBUG: Partial
Filename:   /home/xbmc/BBC_One_live_2010-07-09_121835.partial.mp4
DEBUG: Final Filename:     /home/xbmc/BBC_One_live_2010-07-09_121835.mp4
DEBUG: Thumnail Filename:  /home/xbmc/BBC_One_live_2010-07-09_121835.png
DEBUG: Raw Mode: 
WARNING: Your version of flvstreamer/rtmpdump does not support SWF
INFO: flvstreamer version 2.1
rtmp://, tcUrl: rtmp://, application: live? at s24324, authString: auth=daEaWcybRcodobXd2d6cWcuaEb3bJbyd0dW-bmnVD8-dHa-JppEDpAqJCwHrzK&aifp=v001&slist=bbc1_inlet_800 at s24324, swfUrl:, file: /home/xbmc/BBC_One_live_2010-07-09_121835.partial.mp4, file_done: /home/xbmc/BBC_One_live_2010-07-09_121835.mp4

INFO: Command: flvstreamer --port 1935 --protocol 0 --playpath
bbc1_inlet_800 at s24324?auth=daEaWcybRcodobXd2d6cWcuaEb3bJbyd0dW-bmnVD8-dHa-JppEDpAqJCwHrzK&aifp=v001&slist=bbc1_inlet_800 at s24324 --host --swfUrl --tcUrl rtmp:// --app live? at s24324 --pageUrl  --live --resume -o /home/xbmc/BBC_One_live_2010-07-09_121835.partial.mp4.flv --timeout 10 --verbose --debug

FLVStreamer v2.1c1
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license:
WARNING: Can't resume live stream, ignoring --resume option
DEBUG: Protocol : RTMP
DEBUG: Hostname :
DEBUG: Port     : 1935
DEBUG: Playpath :
bbc1_inlet_800 at s24324?auth=daEaWcybRcodobXd2d6cWcuaEb3bJbyd0dW-bmnVD8-dHa-JppEDpAqJCwHrzK&aifp=v001&slist=bbc1_inlet_800 at s24324
DEBUG: tcUrl    :
DEBUG: swfUrl   :
DEBUG: pageUrl  : 
DEBUG: app      :
live? at s24324
DEBUG: auth     : (null)
DEBUG: subscribepath : (null)
DEBUG: flashVer : LNX 10,0,22,87
DEBUG: live     : yes
DEBUG: timeout  : 10 sec
DEBUG: Setting buffer time to: 36000000ms
Connecting ...
DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, ... connected, handshaking
DEBUG: HandShake: Type Answer   : 03
DEBUG: HandShake: Server Uptime : 1046831749
DEBUG: HandShake: FMS Version   :
DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, handshaked

-----Removed all DEBUG2 output from flvstreamer --------
DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 193 bytes
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  no-name., STRING:	onStatus>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  no-name., NUMBER:	0.00>
DEBUG: Property: NULL
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  no-name., OBJECT>
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                     level, STRING:	error>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                      code, STRING:
DEBUG: Property: <Name:               description, STRING:	Failed to
play s_bbc1_inlet_800; stream not found.>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                   details, STRING:
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  clientid, STRING:	6tnwA79C>
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <onStatus>
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, onStatus: NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound
ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound
DEBUG: Closing connection.

INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
WARNING: Failed to stream
file /home/xbmc/BBC_One_live_2010-07-09_121835.partial.mp4.flv via RTMP
DEBUG: Record using flashhigh2 mode return code: 'next'
INFO: skipping flashhigh2 mode
DEBUG: mode_ver_download_retry_loop retcode = 1
ERROR: Failed to record 'BBC One - live (bbc_one)'

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