regenerating comps.xml

Alan McKay alan.mckay at
Tue Aug 21 09:10:34 EDT 2007

Hi again folks,

I finally got somewhere the the problems I've been having reproducing
our Fedora-x86 build on Fedora-PPC.  On the x86 side it appears as
though we can happily remove RPMs from the "base", but on the PPC side
this causes Anaconda to die miserably.  So in the meantime I'm
including all of "base" in the builds and it is chugging along nicely.

However, the real goal is to be able to trim down "base" and remove
the 20 or so RPMs that we simply do not need for our application.
I've been doing a lot of googling and cannot seem to find anything on
this.  Actually, the one site I found that showed how to do this was
for FC2 and it made use of a Python script which was nowhere to be
found on my system, even though I did have the package installed which
they said was required.   So I guess that script has been obsoleted in
the meantime.

Can someone please point me to some reading material to figure out how
to do this?


"Aikido has but one principle - the universal reality of life"
               - Mitsugi Saotome

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