Newbie with Power Mac G5.

Robert Story rstory-l at
Mon Jan 23 07:45:19 EST 2006

On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 21:23:29 +0100 Brian wrote:
BD> On 21. jan 2006, at 20.29, Brian D. Carlstrom wrote:
BD> > As far as YDL goes, there is a 4.1 release now available for $$$ and
BD> > perhaps the ISO's will be out soon. there was a 4.0.91 beta that  
BD> > people
BD> > seemed happy with as far as PowerMac support went. For me, the package
BD> > selection of FC4 is so much better than YDL that I don't want to go  
BD> > back.

YDL 4.1 is based on FC4, and has a 2.6.15 kernel. It's is currently held up in
late beta as they try to get support for the dual/quad core G5s. I think members can get the ISOs now, and they do release the ISOs free about
2 weeks after the release is finalized.

Package selection is an issue, down the road, but they do have a little more
polish and support for Macs... If they'd just keep current with updates and

BD> Wow, this is the first really informative response that I have gotten  
BD> as per this issue on any PPC Linux list!!!! Please tell me, if I try  
BD> to install Fedora Core 4 and do manual partitioning for "sdb" SATA  
BD> internal drive #2 on my G5 can I decide which drive to install Fedora  
BD> on?

Yes, you have control over which drive(s) are used, even for auto-parition
(which offers a checkbox for 'review partition scheme' that lets you
double-check what it is going to do).

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