Newbie with Power Mac G5.

Brian Durant RoadTripDK at MyRealBox.Com
Sat Jan 21 13:45:25 EST 2006


I am new to the list and to Linux. I am trying to find a distro that  
my G5 doesn't have a revving fan problem with. Here is info on my  

Hardware Overview:

   Machine Name:	Power Mac G5
   Machine Model:	PowerMac9,1
   CPU Type:	PowerPC G5  (3.0)
   Number Of CPUs:	1
   CPU Speed:	1.8 GHz
   L2 Cache (per CPU):	512 KB
   Memory:	1 GB
   Bus Speed:	600 MHz
   Boot ROM Version:	5.2.2f2

I have tried YDL 4.0.1, but at least during the prep stage, after  
boot and before the actual install took place, I experienced the  
problem. This, plus the fact that I couldn't figure out which of my 2  
internal SATA drives YDL would be installed on. made me bail. I am in  
the process of downloading the Fedora Core 4 PPC CD's, so I was  
wondering if anyone on the list has experienced these problems.



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