Macromedia Flash+Fedora core 4+Mac mini

Jesse Keating jkeating at
Sun Jan 15 12:04:27 EST 2006

On Sun, 2006-01-15 at 11:58 -0500, Deepak Seshadri wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> After weeks of struggling with Mac Mini + FC4 + ATI RAdeon 9200 + Dell 2005 
> FPW, I got the display to work with 1400x1050 resolution. Now, I have ran 
> into another problem - No FLASH plug-in available for Linux & PPC 
> architecture. Could someone please point me to any link or resource that 
> mentions how I can get flash to work with firefox in PPC? I tried looking 
> for this already but the closest solution I came across was to use the LIVNA 
> repo in YUM. That didn't work for me.
> Any help is appreciated guys,
> Regards,
> Deepak 

The bad news is I don't believe Macromedia (Adobe) has produced a flash
build for ppc Linux.  Without that, we're stuck.

Jesse Keating RHCE      (
Fedora Legacy Team      (
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