Newbie with Power Mac G5.

Brian Durant RoadTripDK at MyRealBox.Com
Sun Feb 5 14:49:40 EST 2006

On 5. feb 2006, at 20.17, Brian D. Carlstrom wrote:

> Brian Durant writes:
>>>> yum works as long as I use it at runlevel 3 before I run  
>>>> "startx". It
>>>> was just that it didn't seem to be updating properly.
>> I ran both "yum check-update" and "yum list update", the one after
>> the other, is what I said.
> Neither "check-update" or "list update" will actually update anything.
> You need to just use "yum update". I hope this is the only problem!
> -bri

I ran "yum clean all" and "yum update" and everything looks OK now. I  
think the only problems are:

1) The freezes.
2) The problem with " ata1: command 0x35 timeout, stat 0x50 host_stal  
0x4 hda lost interrupt mpic_enable_irq timeout"
3) The sound issue.

Slowly, but surely we seem to be getting all of these things sorted  
out. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you. Many thanks for  
all of the help.


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