Newbie with Power Mac G5.

Brian Durant RoadTripDK at MyRealBox.Com
Sun Feb 5 14:12:33 EST 2006

On 5. feb 2006, at 19.41, Brian D. Carlstrom wrote:

>> yum works as long as I use it at runlevel 3 before I run "startx". It
>> was just that it didn't seem to be updating properly. Is there  some
>> way to clear the yum cache and get it to reanalyze what the system
>> needs??
> earlier you were saying you were running "yum check-update" which just
> lists what "update" would do, I want to make sure you are running "yum
> update".

I ran both "yum check-update" and "yum list update", the one after  
the other, is what I said.

> "yum clean all" will clean yums downloaded state of packages headersa
> and rpm files, but then you will have to redownload any packages it
> already grabbed. the man page has other options, but you might want to
> "yum clean all" at least once if you are worried, especially if you  
> have
> a relatively fast connection.
> however, I will say that "yum clean" doesn't remove any state about  
> what
> the system needs, because I think yum just gets that information from
> the rpm system underneath.
> were you getting an error running yum that would explain why it might
> seem to be starting over on every run?

No, there wasn't any error at all. BTW, last time I booted into FC4  
in runlevel3, I issued the command "/sbin/shutdown -r now" , the  
problem with :  " ata1: command 0x35 timeout, stat 0x50 host_stal 0x4  
hda lost interrupt mpic_enable_irq timeout" started. Nothing with  
using the backspace key or anything.



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