problems with FC3 install on mac mini

Bret Hughes bhughes at
Tue Mar 8 14:23:14 EST 2005

First let me say that I am really pumped about a fedora based instal on
the ppc arch and am looking forward to helping further the cause.

I am trying to install fedora 3 from a tree synced with

by using the information on

First try, I evidently screwed up the yaboot config since I could not
boot the box.  I have reinstalled OSX, allowed it to update packages and
have installed FC3 using a cd burned from images/mac/boot.iso

the install has completed and I find myself not knowing what to do at
this point.

the output of parted /dev/hda print does not show a partition with the
boot flag so before I putz with this I thought I would ask

here is the output of parted saved to a file and scped over to my laptop
after chrooting to /mnt/sysimage

Disk geometry for /dev/hda: 0.000-38154.375 megabytes
Disk label type: mac
Minor    Start       End     Filesystem  Name                  Flags
1          0.000      0.031              Apple                 
3        128.031  19077.218              Apple_HFS_Untitled_2  
2      19077.219  34077.218  ext3        untitled              
4      34077.219  34589.218  linux-swap  swap                  swap
Information: Don't forget to update /etc/fstab, if

I am surprised at the partioning but it may be a result of the steps I
took to get here.

Installed OSX used disk manager or whatever it is called to create two
partitions.  I assumed that the first one would be installed but do not
remember specifying.

OSX install went without a hitch.

Booted to FC3 install cd and used disk druid to partition there were
Three partitions one timy one and two about 18GB I deleted the second
hfs partition and created a 15GB ext3 and a 512MB swap.

I suspect I screwed something up at that stage.

any ideas what I should pass to yabootconfig to get this to work or have
I hosed the damn thing again ?



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