Acme (was: Fedora PPC things...)

Christian Walther cwalther at
Sat Jan 29 04:45:33 EST 2005

Jesse Keating wrote:

> On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 08:58 +0100, Christian Walther wrote:
>> ...
>> The rest are definitely bugs. I suspect this stuff is handled by the
>> kernel, not by Acme itself?
> I don't have this problem on my g3 ibook.  If I dim all the way down to
> the LCD shutting off, pressing the brighten button will bring my LCD
> back.  Also my dim/bright functions survive sleep sessions.
> Also, when I mute/unmute I get the right feature.  It mutes, then goes
> back to original volume level before muting.

Interesting. I expected the former to be hardware dependent, but not 
the latter. Maybe something's just wrong with my sound configuration. 
Did I mention I'm on a Powerbook G4 Ti 867MHz, Radeon Mobility 9000?


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