rpm.livna.org & PPC

Colin Charles byte at aeon.com.my
Fri Jan 28 03:45:38 EST 2005

On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 08:01 +0000, Michael A. Peters wrote:
> Are there any plans for a PPC maintainer or three for the rpm.livna.org  
> packages for Fedora Core 4?

At some stage yes. Ditto with Extras

> Rumor has it that Fedora and Fedora Extras will release for PPC at the  
> same time for Fedora Core 4.

Nice rumor, where'd you hear that? ;-)

> I maintain a small yum repository for FC3 that depends upon both Fedora  
> Extras (well, pre-extras) and rpm.livna.org to share what I use that  
> they don't (currently) offer.
> < http://mpeters.us/yum/ >

dwmw2 also has some stuff. One maintainer policy is bad, as someone
might just go of and get a job elsewhere or something ;-)

> I don't currently have a _working_ PPC but PPC is where I got my start  
> in Linux (MKLinux DR3 --> LinuxPPC --> YDL) but I am still quite fond  
> of the PPC platform, and am probably going to get a mini (in fact, I'd  
> like to get two) at or near the release of FC4.

MacMini FC4 support is still largely unknown

> I would like to build some of my packages for 32-bit PPC, but the  
> number I can would be limited by whether or not there is a PPC livna  
> maintainer.

Currently no. We don't even have an extras maintainer

How about we concentrate on getting Core out of the build system before
we get to think about Extras and freeworld Extras?

Colin Charles, byte at aeon.com.my
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, 
then you win." -- Mohandas Gandhi

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