Fedora PPC things...

Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Thu Jan 27 11:42:21 EST 2005

On Tue, 2005-01-25 at 13:29 +0800, Colin Charles wrote:
> 4. power management - we need either pmud or pbbuttonsd. The latter has
> received no love from most fedora/ppc users, so pmud seems to be the
> winner, I'd guess. We need this included in Core (building only for ppc,
> and possibly later ppc64). We know yellow dog add some nice patches for
> disabling the touchpad in pmud - I guess the package maintainer can be
> free to include such patches at will if need be

... at the same time, we need one set of scripts/configuration being
used to control any of apmd, acpid and pmud.  It's not that much harder
to do that if someone's going to do the pmud work.


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