Fedora PPC on a Powerbook Lombard

Michael Logdon-Porter the.germanboy at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 15:33:29 EST 2005

I tried an installation of FC3 to replace YDL on my Powerbook this
afternoon.  In trying to do an NFS install, via linux askmethod, when
it comes time to initialize the network device, it is unable to find
the driver.  When selecting the BMAC driver, it seems to find eth0
with that driver (on VT 3 it displays "<6>eth0: BMAC+ at
00:50:e4:c5:2d:29"), but still returns me to the "No driver found"
dialog.  I have also tried sungem, but it fails as well.  I seem to
recall someone else having the same problem a while back, but I can't
find a solution via Google.  Any ideas?

Michael A. Porter
Computer Science
University of Kentucky

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