iBook G4 install help, please

Jason Feingold Jason at Acadaca.com
Mon Feb 7 23:50:23 EST 2005

Hi all, I just bought an iBook G4 a few days ago, and I'm dying to get
Fedora Core 2 installed on it.  I followed these instructions here - 




I have the iso burned, and get the yaboot prompt.  When I type "mac", or
"mac text", or "mac noprobe", it starts to install, I see some linux output,
but then quickly the video display output dies on me, and I need to reboot.


All I set up were 2 partitions, splitting the 30g harddrive in two.  The
first partition is the Mac, the second is meant for linux.  


I see references to using mac-fdisk, but can't get to a point in the install
where I have that opportunity.  It's a linux-based utility, right?  


I don't see how I can create a bootstrap partition either, I've read that I
should be doing that as well.


I have no interest in running Mac OS X, to be honest, got the laptop because
its real tiny, not crazy expensive, and can support running Fedora.  


Any/all advice is appreciated, sincerely.  Thanks. Jason

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