Additional explanations about The partition's date region doesn't...

Paul Nasrat pauln at
Mon Aug 1 11:10:07 EDT 2005

On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 15:56 +0200, Vince wrote:
>          Hi,
>      I have read archives of list but I must say I'm pretty confused  
> with what I need to do regarding the message: The partition's data  
> region doesn't occupy the entire partition. Let me explain my  
> configuration. I own a Powerbook 17" 1Ghz first generation. I  
> partitionned drive with Disk Utility of Tiger to get two partitions,  
> first one I installed Tiger on it, and second one free. Once finished  
> installation I restart with Fedora Core 4 boot CD and I start  
> Installation and as soon as Keyboard setup I get the error as  
> indicated above. If I switch to console mode, when I try fdisk /dev/ 
> hda it complains that drive doesn't have a correct label !!
>      So what do I need to do exactly to get it working and be able to  
> install ?
>          Thanks in advance for your clear explanations.

This is a known bug can you try with:

Take the updates.img and use dd to write it to a USB key, then use
that with "linux updates" at the yaboot boot: prompt.  

You will need to dd it to the entire device,
so make sure you backup whatever may be on the USB drive first.  
You can dosomething like this:

dd if=updates.img of=/dev/sda

Replace /dev/sda with the name of your USB key drive, though.


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