Problem when trying to install from FC3-ISO's

Alberto Cardinalli Junior cardinallijr at
Thu Dec 16 16:56:37 EST 2004

Well, i did my first attempt and as i said before, i got error
formating. So i rebooted and tried another option, such as automatic
partition, and it returns the error "Attempt to read sectors 16-18
outside of partition on /dev/hda". I ignore this and try to proceed.
Every attempt to change partition(creation, delete) returns this
error. I keep ignoring this ... I select the software to install, etc
... But when anaconda asks about the 4 CD's and i agree to continue,
it shows that error message 2 times, and another saying. "An error
occurred trying to format hda5. This problem is serious, and the
install cannot continue." And then give me only an option to reboot.
hda5 is apple bootstrap when i tried to partition it manually. I
created a 1 mb bootstrap, 640mb swap and the rest is an ext3 partition
/. If i try to do the automatic one, the same error occurs ...

parted /dev/hda

Disk geometry for dev/hda: 0.000-19077.187 megabytes
Disk label type: mac
Minor    Start           End          Filesystem         Name         
1           0.000            0.031                              Apple
2           0.031     10374.218                             untitled
3    10374.219     11013.218  linux-swap            swap              
4    11013.219     19077.179                             Apple_HFS_Untitled_3
5    19077.180     19077.187                             untitled     

Thanks for your attention,


On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 02:03:06 +0800, Colin Charles <byte at> wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-12-16 at 03:02 -0200, Alberto Cardinalli Junior wrote:
> > I've tried to follow your guide to install fedora ppc but when I try
> > to partitionate the disk, i can't put Apple Bootstrap like first
> > partition. My HFS+(OSX) partition is in hda4. When I create apple
> > bootstrap, it's created as hda2, but when i put other partitions(swap
> > + ext3) it jumps to hda5. I followed with the instalation but had an
> > error formating hda5 ... Any hint ?
> What kind of error?
> Its okay that the bootstrap isn't the first (unless you have a zapped
> prom, iirc), so paste error info here
> And parted info too
> (parted /dev/hda then print)
> --
> Colin Charles, byte at
> "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
> then you win." -- Mohandas Gandhi

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