[Linux-stm32] AXI ID 0x5c8 on STM32MP13

Yann Gautier yann.gautier at foss.st.com
Fri Dec 6 02:41:59 PST 2024

On 12/5/24 14:40, Ahmad Fatoum wrote:
> Hello,
> After a kernel update to v6.13-rc1, we have been increasingly seeing
> following occasional OP-TEE (v4.2.0) panic:
>    E/TC:0   dump_fail_filter:425 Violation @0xce01b000, non-secure privileged read, AXI ID 5c8
>    E/TC:0   Panic at core/arch/arm/plat-stm32mp1/plat_tzc400.c:30 <tzc_it_handler>
>    E/TC:0   TEE load address @ 0xce000000
> This happens at kernel boot time, when loaded by barebox. The probability that
> this happens, seems to be inversely proportional to how long the system
> was powered off prior to Power-on reset...
> The kernel /reserved-memory entry has a no-map entry for OP-TEE, so this
> looks correct.
> barebox maps the OP-TEE range as uncached and with eXecute Never set.
> Indeed, if we jump to the OP-TEE memory directly, we get a prefetch error
> from within barebox without hitting the firewall as expected.
> If the barebox MMU is disabled and we try to execute from 0xce000000, we
> get an expected panic from OP-TEE:
>    E/TC:0   tzc_it_handler:26 TZC permission failure
>    E/TC:0   dump_fail_filter:420 Permission violation on filter 0
>    E/TC:0   dump_fail_filter:425 Violation @0xce000000, non-secure privileged read, AXI ID 4c0
>    E/TC:0   Panic at core/arch/arm/plat-stm32mp1/plat_tzc400.c:30 <tzc_it_handler>
>    E/TC:0   TEE load address @ 0xce000000
> Note that this is a different AXI ID (0x4c0) than the one we see related
> to the spurious read (0x5c8).
> In order to further debug this, it would be useful to know which AXI master
> has ID 0x5c8. The reference manual (RM0475) has Table 20. "NSAID and AXI_ID
> mapping" in RM0475 but it contains no 0x5c8. 0x4c0 is expectedly the CA7
> itself.
> Can someone from ST please chime in with the information what AXI master
> ID 0x5c8 maps to?
Hi Ahmad,

The table you mention gives most of the explanation but I agree this is 
not completely clear.
 From the table:
Master | NSAID[3:0] | ID_WIDTH  | AXI_ID[10:0]
CA7    | 0b0000     | AR:6/AW:5 | 11’b10XXXXXX000

The BIT[10] (0x400) is set in 0x5c8, so it is the Cortex-A7.
Then the 0x1c8 is the ARID or AWID, that you can find in Cortex-A7 TRM.
See tables 7.4 or 7.5.
As the TZC error mentions a read error, then it will be an ARIDM.
And 0x1c8 >> 3 correspond to:
0b111mmm[b] L2 Line-Fill Buffer
b. Where mmm is L2 encoding of the Line-Fill Buffer.

And 0x4c0 is then the Cortex-A7 Processor 0 Instruction.

Best regards,

> Thanks,
> Ahmad

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