[PATCH master v2 1/2] crc: crc-itu-t: generate lookup table on first use

Ahmad Fatoum a.fatoum at pengutronix.de
Mon Dec 2 00:08:17 PST 2024

Unlike CRC32, CRC16 enjoys only limited use in barebox:

  - RATP
  - SD over SPI

Nevertheless, once one of these is enabled, a lookup table of 512 bytes
is generated, which is, by definition, badly compressible.

Let's do what CRC32 is doing and generate the lookup table anew on first
access instead.

This saves us 404 bytes for a XZ-compressed THUMB2 barebox.

Signed-off-by: Ahmad Fatoum <a.fatoum at pengutronix.de>
 crypto/crc-itu-t.c | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 include/crc.h      | 23 ----------------
 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

diff --git a/crypto/crc-itu-t.c b/crypto/crc-itu-t.c
index 64bccfb7420d..837a6464b6aa 100644
--- a/crypto/crc-itu-t.c
+++ b/crypto/crc-itu-t.c
@@ -7,41 +7,36 @@
 #include <crc.h>
-/** CRC table for the CRC ITU-T V.41 0x1021 (x^16 + x^12 + x^15 + 1) */
-const u16 crc_itu_t_table[256] = {
-	0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50a5, 0x60c6, 0x70e7,
-	0x8108, 0x9129, 0xa14a, 0xb16b, 0xc18c, 0xd1ad, 0xe1ce, 0xf1ef,
-	0x1231, 0x0210, 0x3273, 0x2252, 0x52b5, 0x4294, 0x72f7, 0x62d6,
-	0x9339, 0x8318, 0xb37b, 0xa35a, 0xd3bd, 0xc39c, 0xf3ff, 0xe3de,
-	0x2462, 0x3443, 0x0420, 0x1401, 0x64e6, 0x74c7, 0x44a4, 0x5485,
-	0xa56a, 0xb54b, 0x8528, 0x9509, 0xe5ee, 0xf5cf, 0xc5ac, 0xd58d,
-	0x3653, 0x2672, 0x1611, 0x0630, 0x76d7, 0x66f6, 0x5695, 0x46b4,
-	0xb75b, 0xa77a, 0x9719, 0x8738, 0xf7df, 0xe7fe, 0xd79d, 0xc7bc,
-	0x48c4, 0x58e5, 0x6886, 0x78a7, 0x0840, 0x1861, 0x2802, 0x3823,
-	0xc9cc, 0xd9ed, 0xe98e, 0xf9af, 0x8948, 0x9969, 0xa90a, 0xb92b,
-	0x5af5, 0x4ad4, 0x7ab7, 0x6a96, 0x1a71, 0x0a50, 0x3a33, 0x2a12,
-	0xdbfd, 0xcbdc, 0xfbbf, 0xeb9e, 0x9b79, 0x8b58, 0xbb3b, 0xab1a,
-	0x6ca6, 0x7c87, 0x4ce4, 0x5cc5, 0x2c22, 0x3c03, 0x0c60, 0x1c41,
-	0xedae, 0xfd8f, 0xcdec, 0xddcd, 0xad2a, 0xbd0b, 0x8d68, 0x9d49,
-	0x7e97, 0x6eb6, 0x5ed5, 0x4ef4, 0x3e13, 0x2e32, 0x1e51, 0x0e70,
-	0xff9f, 0xefbe, 0xdfdd, 0xcffc, 0xbf1b, 0xaf3a, 0x9f59, 0x8f78,
-	0x9188, 0x81a9, 0xb1ca, 0xa1eb, 0xd10c, 0xc12d, 0xf14e, 0xe16f,
-	0x1080, 0x00a1, 0x30c2, 0x20e3, 0x5004, 0x4025, 0x7046, 0x6067,
-	0x83b9, 0x9398, 0xa3fb, 0xb3da, 0xc33d, 0xd31c, 0xe37f, 0xf35e,
-	0x02b1, 0x1290, 0x22f3, 0x32d2, 0x4235, 0x5214, 0x6277, 0x7256,
-	0xb5ea, 0xa5cb, 0x95a8, 0x8589, 0xf56e, 0xe54f, 0xd52c, 0xc50d,
-	0x34e2, 0x24c3, 0x14a0, 0x0481, 0x7466, 0x6447, 0x5424, 0x4405,
-	0xa7db, 0xb7fa, 0x8799, 0x97b8, 0xe75f, 0xf77e, 0xc71d, 0xd73c,
-	0x26d3, 0x36f2, 0x0691, 0x16b0, 0x6657, 0x7676, 0x4615, 0x5634,
-	0xd94c, 0xc96d, 0xf90e, 0xe92f, 0x99c8, 0x89e9, 0xb98a, 0xa9ab,
-	0x5844, 0x4865, 0x7806, 0x6827, 0x18c0, 0x08e1, 0x3882, 0x28a3,
-	0xcb7d, 0xdb5c, 0xeb3f, 0xfb1e, 0x8bf9, 0x9bd8, 0xabbb, 0xbb9a,
-	0x4a75, 0x5a54, 0x6a37, 0x7a16, 0x0af1, 0x1ad0, 0x2ab3, 0x3a92,
-	0xfd2e, 0xed0f, 0xdd6c, 0xcd4d, 0xbdaa, 0xad8b, 0x9de8, 0x8dc9,
-	0x7c26, 0x6c07, 0x5c64, 0x4c45, 0x3ca2, 0x2c83, 0x1ce0, 0x0cc1,
-	0xef1f, 0xff3e, 0xcf5d, 0xdf7c, 0xaf9b, 0xbfba, 0x8fd9, 0x9ff8,
-	0x6e17, 0x7e36, 0x4e55, 0x5e74, 0x2e93, 0x3eb2, 0x0ed1, 0x1ef0
+static u16 crc_itu_t_table[256];
+ * Implements the standard CRC ITU-T V.41:
+ *   Width 16
+ *   Poly  0x1021 (x^16 + x^12 + x^15 + 1)
+ *   Init  0
+ */
+static u16 crc_itu_t_byte(u16 crc, const u8 data)
+	int i;
+	crc = crc ^ data << 8;
+	for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+		if (crc & 0x8000)
+			crc = crc << 1 ^ 0x1021;
+		else
+			crc = crc << 1;
+	}
+	return crc;
+static void make_crc_table(void)
+	if (crc_itu_t_table[1])
+		return;
+	for (int n = 0; n < 256; n++)
+		crc_itu_t_table[n] = crc_itu_t_byte(0, n);
  * crc_itu_t - Compute the CRC-ITU-T for the data buffer
@@ -54,7 +49,9 @@ const u16 crc_itu_t_table[256] = {
 u16 crc_itu_t(u16 crc, const u8 *buffer, size_t len)
+	make_crc_table();
 	while (len--)
-		crc = crc_itu_t_byte(crc, *buffer++);
+		crc = (crc << 8) ^ crc_itu_t_table[((crc >> 8) ^ *buffer++) & 0xff];
 	return crc;
diff --git a/include/crc.h b/include/crc.h
index a5204aaabb9c..3eba635dbaa4 100644
--- a/include/crc.h
+++ b/include/crc.h
@@ -10,31 +10,8 @@
  *   Poly  0x1021 (x^16 + x^12 + x^15 + 1)
  *   Init  0
-extern u16 const crc_itu_t_table[256];
 extern u16 crc_itu_t(u16 crc, const u8 *buffer, size_t len);
-#ifdef __PBL__
-static inline u16 crc_itu_t_byte(u16 crc, const u8 data)
-	int i;
-	crc = crc ^ data << 8;
-	for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-		if (crc & 0x8000)
-			crc = crc << 1 ^ 0x1021;
-		else
-			crc = crc << 1;
-	}
-	return crc;
-static inline u16 crc_itu_t_byte(u16 crc, const u8 data)
-	return (crc << 8) ^ crc_itu_t_table[((crc >> 8) ^ data) & 0xff];
 uint32_t crc32(uint32_t, const void *, unsigned int);
 uint32_t crc32_be(uint32_t, const void *, unsigned int);
 uint32_t crc32_no_comp(uint32_t, const void *, unsigned int);

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