[ANN] github.com/saschahauer/barebox is now github.com/barebox/barebox

Ahmad Fatoum a.fatoum at pengutronix.de
Tue May 2 02:22:31 PDT 2023


Sascha has been maintaining a read-only Github mirror for a couple of years
now. This has been transferred today to https://github.com/barebox/barebox
The old https://github.com/saschahauer/barebox should forward to the new one.

There are currently no plans to change the mailing list driven contribution
model or the canonical repository at git.pengutronix.de/barebox

The reorganization was done to reduce confusion as some of the Github forks
shown in web searches are outdated and it's not apparent that Sascha's repo
is the "official mirror".

This has the nice side-effect that interested Github & barebox users can now
show a barebox badge on their profile. If you want one, just reply here or
over IRC for an invitation to the organization. This doesn't confer any
rights besides the normal read-only access, but members may navigate to
https://github.com/orgs/barebox/people to enable public display of
a barebox badge. :-)

Cheers and happy hacking,

Pengutronix e.K.                           |                             |
Steuerwalder Str. 21                       | http://www.pengutronix.de/  |
31137 Hildesheim, Germany                  | Phone: +49-5121-206917-0    |
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