[PATCH 04/14] test/Containerfile: drop i386 toolchain

Ahmad Fatoum a.fatoum at pengutronix.de
Sun Jun 4 23:36:13 PDT 2023

It's unused and barebox EFI may not work properly for non-x86_64 anyway.

Signed-off-by: Ahmad Fatoum <a.fatoum at pengutronix.de>
 test/Containerfile | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/test/Containerfile b/test/Containerfile
index e637c68b4d08..4ca690714a2f 100644
--- a/test/Containerfile
+++ b/test/Containerfile
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ ENV GCC_VERSION=12.2.0
 RUN korg_crosstool_dl() { wget -O - https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/tools/crosstool/files/bin/${1}/${2}/${1}-gcc-${2}-nolibc-${3}.tar.xz | tar -C /opt -xJ ; } && \
     korg_crosstool_dl x86_64 ${GCC_VERSION} arm-linux-gnueabi && \
     korg_crosstool_dl x86_64 ${GCC_VERSION} aarch64-linux     && \
-    korg_crosstool_dl x86_64 ${GCC_VERSION} i386-linux        && \
     korg_crosstool_dl x86_64 ${GCC_VERSION} mips-linux        && \
     korg_crosstool_dl x86_64 ${GCC_VERSION} powerpc-linux     && \
     korg_crosstool_dl x86_64 ${GCC_VERSION} riscv64-linux

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