[PATCH master 2/5] Documentation: boards: stm32mp: search engine optimization

Ahmad Fatoum a.fatoum at pengutronix.de
Mon Oct 19 23:29:34 EDT 2020

The vendor calls it STM32MP1. Have this name appear in the documentation
as well to be easier found during web search.

Signed-off-by: Ahmad Fatoum <a.fatoum at pengutronix.de>
 Documentation/boards/stm32mp.rst | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/boards/stm32mp.rst b/Documentation/boards/stm32mp.rst
index a06578602d9d..87fff7d1259b 100644
--- a/Documentation/boards/stm32mp.rst
+++ b/Documentation/boards/stm32mp.rst
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ The STM32MP is a line of 32-bit ARM SoCs. They reuse peripherals of the
 STM32 line of microcontrollers and can have a STM32 MCU embedded as co-processor
 as well.
-The boot process of the STM32MP SoC is a two step process.
+The boot process of the STM32MP1 SoC is a two step process.
 The first stage boot loader (FSBL) is loaded by the ROM code into the built-in
 SYSRAM and executed. The FSBL sets up the SDRAM, install a secure monitor and
 then the second stage boot loader (SSBL) is loaded into DRAM.

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