reset / watchdog on an imx7d soc

Giorgio Dal Molin giorgio.nicole at
Tue Jun 23 09:45:38 EDT 2020


I'm having problems with the reset command on an imx7d soc.

As far as I understand it, to reboot barebox on an imx7 the 'reset' command
invokes the watchdog1, forcing it to do its job:

in drivers/watchdog/imxwd.c:
static void imx21_soc_reset(struct imx_wd *priv)
		val |= IMX21_WDOG_WCR_WDA; /* do not assert ext-reset */

	imxwd_write(priv, IMX21_WDOG_WCR, val);

What I see is that shortly after the imxwd_write() call the soc hangs but it
doesn't reboot.

Can anyone confirm that the current barebox is able to restart an imx7 soc without
using external signals ?

Do I need to enable / configure some other soc controller ?

Currently I just enable the wdog1 in my device tree:

&wdog1 {
	status = "okay";


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