How to run barebox gui on linux, fb or x?

Antony Pavlov antonynpavlov at
Sat Apr 30 04:19:37 PDT 2016

On Sat, 30 Apr 2016 10:13:28 +0000
DU HUANPENG <no_rep1y at> wrote:

> Hello, I want to test the is the barebox font working
> correctly, but I still don't know how to run barebox(sandbox)
> on linux fb or x.
> any one can help?

Here is barebox-sandbox-sdl howto.

Go to your barebox repo directory and checkout next branch.
Generate .config and enable SDL support:

    $ make mrproper
    $ make defconfig
    $ sed -i "s/# CONFIG_DRIVER_VIDEO_SDL is not set/CONFIG_DRIVER_VIDEO_SDL=y/" .config

Next, compile sandbox barebox and run it:

    $ make
    $ ./barebox

Inside barebox enable fbconsole0 output:

    barebox at barebox sandbox:/
    fb0: framebuffer console 80x30 activated

Best regards,
  Antony Pavlov

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