Porting to a new board

Sascha Hauer s.hauer at pengutronix.de
Tue Sep 24 03:39:28 EDT 2013

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 04:47:19PM -0500, Allen Kennedy Jr. wrote:
> > What's the output of some network command, like for example 'dhcp'?
> This hangs the chip.

This shouldn't happen. No reaction from the board at all? Does ctrl-c
work? You could add some debug messages to the FEC driver to see where
it hangs.

One situation where a board might hang is when the clock is disabled,
but I don't see how this can happen since it's explicitly enabled in

What's the output of 'md 0x1002b000'? Does it show the FEC registers
or does it hang the board aswell? The output of 'iomem' might also


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