Amba PL011 driver support

Gaurav Singh gausinghnsit at
Fri Jul 16 09:29:09 EDT 2010

Hi all,
Currently I am working to port Barebox on an ARM11v6 based board. I
have a PL011 UART peripheral on my board and want to use this UART as
my console. I read somewhere that the PL010 serial driver would
support PL011 as well but I was unable to use this driver to bring up
the console.
Looking  at the device specifications I noticed that some changes to
the PL010 driver would suffce for my requirement and making these
changes I was able to initialize the console and use my UART for
entering bb commands.

Is there a requirement for a seperate PL011 driver in barebox at the
moment ? I notice that both U-boot and the kernel have seperate
drivers for PL010 and PL011.

Thanks and Regards
Gaurav Singh

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