Using b43-fwcutter on Windows drivers

Michael Büsch m at
Mon Jun 12 09:59:43 PDT 2017

On Mon, 12 Jun 2017 12:28:09 -0400
João Paulo Rechi Vita <jprvita at> wrote:

> We already ship a similar script based on the debian package for
> b43-fwcutter (with some adaptations for our rootfs layout), that would
> download the drivers, extract and install firmware for the user, so we
> could just ship the files as well. What I was trying to avoid is
> shipping those files, and that's where extracting from the Windows
> drivers would come in handy.

Well, the problem is that it is very hard to get the names for the
firmware images found in the binary.

What you could do is try to find a Linux driver and a Windows driver
with exactly matching FW versions and then use the names from the Linux
driver to extract the blobs from the Windows driver.
It would be pretty easy to write a script that takes a Linux driver and
its matching extract-offsets and extract-names and then create the
corresponding offsets for the Windows binary.
Please feel free to create such a script and I would be happy to
include it in b43-fwcutter.

A script to auto-generate the extract-info from a Linux driver is
already included with b43-fwcutter.

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